New Jersey Pest Control: How To Prevent Pests All Year

January 3, 2024
Navigating New Jersey's diverse pest challenges demands year-round control strategies. Read on to learn about specific seasonal challenges as well as effective techniques to combat pests any time of year.

Why Do Pests Like New Jersey?

Pests thrive in New Jersey due to its diverse climate, offering favorable conditions year-round. The state's mix of urban areas, forests, and varied landscapes provides abundant habitats and food sources for pests, encouraging their growth and resilience throughout the seasons.

Common New Jersey Pests

The following are 10 of the most common pests found in New Jersey:
  1. Cockroaches are persistent, disease spreading pests found in homes and commercial spaces.
  2. Rodents seek shelter in buildings, causing damage and spreading diseases.
  3. Bed Bugs infest homes, hotels, and public places and are difficult to eradicate.
  4. Termites are destructive pests that cause extensive property damage.
  5. Ants invade homes seeking food and some species, like carpenter ants, are quite destructive.
  6. Mosquitoes are disease carrying insects that thrive in humid conditions, breeding in standing water.
  7. Ticks carry Lyme disease and are prevalent in wooded areas.
  8. Wasps and Hornets commonly nest in eaves and trees and cause painful stings.
  9. Stink Bugs invade homes during cooler months seeking warmth.
  10. Fleas are commonly found on pets, causing discomfort and potential health issues.

Seasonal Infestations: Which Pests Prefer Which Seasons?

Spring Spring in New Jersey witnesses a noticeable uptick in pest activity as overwintering pests begin to emerge. Among the most prevalent spring pests are termites, ants, and spotted lanternflies. Though termites are active year-round, they swarm during the spring, beginning new colonies and shedding their wings everywhere. Ants, including carpenter ants, invade homes seeking food sources. Both termites and carpenter ants can cause extensive property damage. Spotted lanternfly eggs hatch in the spring, giving rise to a new generation of the destructive, invasive insect. Furthermore, mosquitoes and ticks start to become more active.  Summer During New Jersey summers, mosquitoes and ticks are most problematic. Mosquitoes proliferate in the warm, humid climate, transmitting diseases. Ticks pose a significant threat, spreading Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses as people engage in outdoor activities. Additionally, stinging insects like wasps and hornets thrive, building nests around homes and businesses. Fleas are most active during the summer, causing discomfort for pets and potentially spreading diseases. Cockroaches are also most active during the warmer months. Bed bugs are active throughout the year, however infestations increase at a noticeable rate from June until October.  Fall In New Jersey's fall, stink bugs become notably problematic as they seek shelter indoors to escape cooling temperatures. Similarly, ladybugs congregate in homes and businesses, and although they can be a nuisance, they are considered beneficial because they eat other insects. Clover mites are quite active during the autumn months as they thrive in moderate temperatures. Spiders tend to remain fairly hidden through the year, and they become more active indoors during the fall as they look for a mate. Like ladybugs, spiders can be beneficial in controlling the populations of other insects, however certain species of spiders are venomous and therefore dangerous.  Winter The most prevalent pest during New Jersey winters is of course rodents.  Mice, rats, squirrels and chipmunks pose significant issues due to their search for warmth and shelter indoors. These pests invade homes seeking refuge from the cold, causing structural damage, contaminating food, and spreading diseases. What’s more, they will chew through anything including wires, which poses a significant fire hazard. Outdoors, moles (which are often mistaken for rodents but are in fact mammals) and voles remain active throughout the cold months. Moles simply dig deeper into the ground for warmth, but their tunneling continues to compromise ground stability. Voles create tunnels under the snow and above the grass. Come spring, vole paths leave unsightly marks across lawns. 

Seasonal Prevention: Stopping Infestations Year-Round

Spring Springtime pest prevention mainly occurs outdoors. Eliminating standing water sources limits the number of breeding grounds for pests like mosquitoes. Clean up any leaves and debris that accumulated during the winter and clean clogged gutters. Since spring is typically a damp season, it is important to take measures to avoid moisture buildup around the yard. This is especially important in areas near wooden structures as dampwood and subterranean termites love water-damaged wood. Seal any cracks in walls or foundations, as well as those around doors and windows to keep hungry insects like ants from invading. Repair any broken or missing shingles that may have been damaged during the winter. Install yellow bulbs in any outdoor lights; insects are more attracted to white bulbs than yellow. Additionally, spring is a great time to plant vegetation that either repels the problem pests or attracts predators of the pests.  Summer Summer prevention is similar to spring prevention. All standing water sources should be eliminated and debris piles should be removed. Vegetation that has been growing throughout the spring should be trimmed to limit pests’ hiding spots. Pests like carpenter bees prefer untreated wood, so wooden surfaces should be painted or otherwise treated. Implement measures like fences to keep wildlife such as deer, raccoons, and rodents off of your property, as they can carry parasitic pests including fleas and ticks. Wasps and hornets can be deterred using scents like peppermint oil. Use dehumidifiers or fans in damp areas like crawlspaces and basements to deter moisture-loving pests like cockroaches. To prevent bed bugs, vacuum regularly and take precautions while traveling or using laundromats.  Fall Fall prevention aims to keep cold and hungry pests outdoors. Seal any new cracks, replace or patch torn window screens, and install door sweeps to block pests like stink bugs. Remove spider webs as soon as you find them, and dust regularly to keep new webs from being built. Trim all vegetation away from the outside of the building to eliminate pathways rodents may use to enter the home or business. Rake up fallen leaves and remove the leaf piles promptly.  Winter Winter pest prevention mainly revolves around rodent exclusion. After making sure all smaller cracks are sealed, larger gaps can be stuffed with steel wool, a material that rodents cannot chew through. Install covers or screens over chimneys, vents, and utility line entrances. Keep clutter to a minimum, especially in areas like attics and storage rooms; rodents love to nest in sheltered, mostly undisturbed areas. When possible, opt for storage containers made of plastic or another hard material rather than cardboard boxes, as cardboard is easily chewed through. Place deterrents like mothballs, peppermint oil, or dryer sheets in vulnerable areas. Though spotted lanternflies are not active during the cold months, winter is the ideal time to remove their eggs. This will limit their numbers when they hatch in the spring.  Year-Round All pests are attracted to three things: food, water, and shelter. No matter what the season is, it is always important to limit pests’ food sources. Store all food, including pet food, in airtight containers made of a hard material like plastic or metal. Promptly clean up spills, crumbs, and dirty dishes. Ensure that garbage receptacles both indoors and out have tight-fitting lids, and empty indoor garbage cans daily. Fix leaks and clogs to prevent moisture buildup. Eliminate pest’s access to shelter by diligently sealing all potential entrances and organizing cluttered areas. In addition, the best way to keep pests out completely is by receiving regular pest control treatments. Research pest control experts in your area and choose a licensed, reputable company that will best suit your needs. 

Twin-Boro: New Jersey’s Year-Round Pest Control Experts

Twin-Boro Termite and Pest Control has been keeping Bergen County, NJ pest free since 1974. Our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach ensures the safe and effective removal of pests from any property. Our services are 100% guaranteed, 365 days a year. To get started with a pest control plan, or for more information about the services we offer, visit our website today.