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Mice Control & Exterminator in NJ & FL

Every critter has their own story.

The secret of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a proven, cost-effective strategy to combat pest problems without unnecessary pesticide use, is to understand the life-cycle of the pest that is pestering.

Mouse peeking out of a rock pile.
What do mice look like and why are they concerning?

Mice are small rodents that have a pointed snout, rounded ears, and a body-length tail. Most often, mice inside a home or business will be house mice or deer mice. White-footed mice may also be encountered. A house mouse would have short gray or brown hair and scaly, and a single colored tail.

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They can grow up to 20 cm long. Deer mice have bicolored hair on their bodies that is brownish-reddish, and they can grow to be between 7 and 10 cm long. Like their bodies, their hairy tails are bicolored, being dark on top and light on bottom. White-footed mice also have bicolored tails, but their tails and back feet are shorter than that of deer mice. All mice can spread human diseases through their urine, saliva, or droppings. Mouse droppings are rod-shaped and pointed on each end. Deer mice and white-footed mice are especially concerning, as they are known to carry Hantavirus.

Mouse on a carpet eating seeds.
Where do mice live?

Mice will build their nests anywhere that is dark, protected, and close to a food source. Outside, they may build in grassy or wooded areas. Their favorite place to nest inside is between the different layers of walls.

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Those areas are well protected and have many wires and pipes which mice will use to travel on. Other potential nesting areas include attics, basements, barns, cabinets, crawl spaces, lofts, storage areas, and other similar places. Generally they will build their nests within 30 to 50 feet of food and water sources.

Mouse on the grass.
Why do I have a mouse problem?

Mice will enter homes and businesses to escape weather or predators, or to look for food. Cluttered spaces, like attics and basements, provide plenty of nooks and crannies in which they can build their nests, and they can usually find a steady food source in kitchens and pantries.

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To a certain extent, house mice rely on humans for food, water, and shelter, and are therefore the most common type of mouse to live inside homes and businesses. Deer mice typically like to live outdoors, but may enter buildings that are very rural or those that border a field, park, or golf course. Deer mice are attracted to properties that have a lot of vegetation and protective areas such as rock or firewood piles. All types of mice, whether they prefer to live indoors or outdoors, will seek shelter in homes and businesses as soon as cold weather arrives. They can enter through tiny cracks and holes, even those as small as a dime. They can also use vines and tree branches to gain entry to attics.

Mouse eating peanuts.
When are mice active?

Mice entering a home or business can be an issue at any point throughout the year, as they breed almost non-stop during warmer months. Rodent season, however, is a particularly problematic time.

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Rodent season is when mice and other rodents stop breeding and start looking for a place to spend the winter. It starts with the arrival of cooler weather, which can be anywhere from August to late October. Mice will be looking for food and a warm place to build their winter nest, both of which can be provided by buildings. For the most part, mice will venture back outdoors once warm weather arrives, which can happen anywhere from March to May. However, some mice will stay in buildings year-round. Mice are typically most active at night when humans are asleep or gone.

Mouse in a wire cage.
What’s the best way to prevent a mouse infestation?

Mice can fit through a space as small as ¼ of an inch, so it is important to seal any possible entryways that are that side or larger. This includes caulking gaps around windows and doors, fixing cracks in foundations, and replacing loose or missing roof shingles.

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Chimneys and vents should have tight fitting covers. Mice are attracted to food sources, so all pantry food and pet food should be stored in airtight containers, and kitchens and dining areas should be kept clean. Garbage should be kept in bins with tight fitting or locking lids. It is a good idea to keep trees and bushes trimmed and away from the immediate exterior of buildings. Limiting clutter in areas like attics and basements can minimize the amount of places mice can hide. A few mice can become a large infestation quickly, so if you see any signs of mice and rats in your home call EXCEL Termite and Pest Control today and we will send our mouse control experts.

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