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Centipede Control & Extermination

Every critter has their own story.

The secret of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a proven, cost-effective strategy to combat pest problems without unnecessary pesticide use, is to understand the life-cycle of the pest that is pestering.

Centipede on a white surface.
What do centipedes look like and why are they concerning?

Centipedes have long, segmented bodies that measure anywhere from 1/8 of an inch to 6 inches in length. Each body segment has its own pair of long legs, and the amount of legs a centipede has can be as few as 15 pairs or as many as 177 pairs.

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Depending on species, a centipede’s color will range from yellow to dark brown. The most common type of centipede encountered by home and business owners is the house centipede. This is because it can complete its entire life cycle indoors, and is the only centipede that is able to do so. Usually, centipedes will not harm humans and are more of a nuisance than a threat. Although it is rare, they are capable of biting. Centipede bites are very painful and some may cause reactions such as chills, fever, and weakness. People with small children and those with bee allergies should exercise caution around centipedes, as the venom from a large centipede’s bite has the potential to cause anaphylactic shock.

Centipede on a wooden surface.
Where do centipedes live?

Centipedes gravitate towards dark and damp areas. Outside they make their homes underneath decks, stones, mulch, or decaying logs and leaves.

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Inside, they can be found in places that resemble their outside environments to some extent. Such places include bathrooms, laundry rooms, closets, crawl spaces, basements closets, and occasionally tubs and sinks.

Centipede on a white surface.
Why do I have a centipede problem?

Centipedes can enter homes and businesses through any gaps or spaces, like those around doors, windows, siding, and utility entrances. One reason they will enter is for food.

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Centipedes eat other pests that live inside such as ants, earthworms, flies, silverfish, and spiders. In fact, the presence of centipedes may be an indicator of another pest infestation. Another reason they will enter a building is because they are attracted to some source of moisture. Brick is particularly attractive to them, because its porous nature can cause it to sweat and leak moisture during periods of high humidity.

Centipede on a blue surface.
When are centipedes active?

Centipede eggs hatch in late spring and early summer. They become a common issue during those months due to the heat and humidity provided by summer weather.

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These conditions allow centipedes to stay active longer. House centipedes are especially problematic, as their entire life cycle occurs indoors. All centipedes are adults by the time winter arrives, and those that live outdoors will enter buildings to escape the cold and find a source of food. Centipedes are nocturnal, and do all of their foraging at night.

Centipede on a concrete surface.
What’s the best way to prevent a centipede infestation?

In order to avoid attracting centipedes, it is essential to minimize the moisture in your home or business. This can be done by using dehumidifiers and repairing any leaks inside and outside of the house.

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It is also important to seal any cracks or crevices centipedes can enter through. Removing potential outdoor living environments such as logs and piles of leaves can limit the number of centipedes on the property. On the same accord, limiting clutter inside will decrease the number of places centipedes can hide. To get rid of centipedes on your property call EXCEL today and have one of our experts visit you.

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Centipedes FAQs

Are centipedes harmful or dangerous to humans?

Centipedes are generally not considered harmful or dangerous to humans. While they possess venomous jaws that are used to immobilize prey, their venom is typically not harmful to people. In fact, centipedes are considered helpful to humans as they help control other pests like insects and spiders.

How do I identify different species of centipedes?

Identifying centipede species can be challenging due to their varying sizes and colors. However, centipedes typically have elongated, flattened bodies with numerous legs. At Twin Boro, we have the expertise to identify specific centipede species and tailor our pest control approach accordingly.

What attracts centipedes to homes and gardens?

Centipedes are attracted to areas with high humidity and abundant insect prey and they often enter homes seeking shelter and moisture. Reducing moisture levels and addressing other pest infestations can help deter centipedes.

Can centipedes cause structural damage?

Centipedes do not cause structural damage to homes or buildings. They are predators that primarily feed on insects and arachnids, making them more beneficial than harmful in most cases.

How do you eliminate centipede infestations?

At Twin Boro, we use safe and effective methods to remove centipede infestations. Our approach often involves addressing underlying moisture issues, sealing entry points, and implementing targeted treatments to reduce centipede populations. We prioritize the safety of your indoor environment.

Are your centipede control treatments safe for indoor use?

Yes, our centipede control treatments are designed to be safe for indoor use. We carefully select products and techniques that are effective in eliminating centipedes while ensuring they do not pose risks to your family or pets.

Can centipedes be beneficial in any way?

Yes, as stated previously centipedes can be beneficial as they are natural predators of insects and spiders. They help control pest populations in gardens and homes. However, when their presence becomes a nuisance, Twin Boro can assist in managing centipede infestations while minimizing harm to these beneficial creatures.

Do centipedes bite, and if so, is their bite venomous?

Centipedes can bite when provoked or threatened, but their bites are generally not dangerous to humans. While centipede venom is used to immobilize prey, it typically causes only mild pain and irritation in people. If you have been bitten and notice a reaction, it is important to visit a doctor immediately.

What steps can I take to prevent centipedes from entering my home?

Preventing centipedes from entering your home involves reducing moisture levels, sealing cracks and gaps, and addressing other pest infestations that may attract centipedes. Twin Boro can provide guidance on specific preventive measures tailored to your property.

How do I know if I have a centipede infestation on my property?

Signs of a centipede infestation may include sightings of centipedes, particularly in damp areas like basements or bathrooms. You may also notice shed exoskeletons or feces in infested areas. If you suspect a centipede infestation, it's advisable to contact Twin Boro for a professional inspection and tailored pest control solutions to address the issue effectively.

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