Spider Prevention Tips For Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Home

November 3, 2022
No one really likes spiders, except maybe entomologists! Moreover, most people don’t want these eight-legged creepy crawlies in their homes as there’s an element of fear that comes with them. Spiders may eat flies, cockroaches, moths, mosquitoes, and earwigs, but they’re not really what we want to live with, regardless of their all-natural pest control perks.  If you need a helping hand keeping spiders out of your home all year round, these tips can help.

Spiders In New Jersey 

There are around 43 unique species of spiders in the state, and most won’t cause harm or health issues to humans. Some of the harmless ones include jumping spiders, cobweb spiders and orb weavers. Most of the world’s spiders kill their prey with venom, so most spiders are referred to as venomous. But being venomous doesn’t mean they are poisonous, there is a difference. So, let’s deal with the spiders you do need to worry about in New Jersey first. 

Black Widows

Thanks to pop culture, just about everyone will have heard of black widow spiders. In New Jersey there are two species of black widow spiders, the northern (Latrodectus variolus) and the southern (Latrodectus mactans). Black widows are relatively easy to identify as they have obvious distinguishing marks. They are black, they have very round shiny abdomens, and both species have a red hour-glass shape on the underside of their abdomens. There may also be a few red or white markings on their backs. If the spider you are looking at veers towards dark brown or purple, the spider is probably a false black widow (Steatoda grossa), but you should still err on the side of caution. If you are bitten by a black widow spider it’s important that you seek medical treatment immediately. Symptoms include flu-like aches and fever, pain, and nausea. You can place ice on the bite site to relieve pain but don’t bind or place a tourniquet on the limb in question. These spider bites cause discomfort and pain but are not usually deadly. In fact, it’s estimated that more bee and wasp stings kill Americans than black widow spiders. 

Other Common New Jersey Spiders

Other spiders found in New Jersey are brown spiders such as the wolf spider, house, and fishing spiders. However, don’t confuse any of these brown spiders with the more dangerous brown recluse spider. These spiders have a dark-brown fiddle shape on their back.  Orb spiders are also very common in New Jersey, with several different species falling under this genus. Most of the orb spiders are found in gardens, where they build elaborate web structures to capture insects. They’re easy to spot as their bodies are shaped like an orb and often have brighter patterns on them. 

Steps To Deter Spiders

If you want to avoid spiders making their home in yours, these tips can help:
    • Clean and clear up debris
Spiders hide in dark and small spaces as this is their favorite habitat. If you clean and clear up inside and outside your yard, they will have no place to hide. Take a walk around your yard and house perimeter and look out for wood piles and debris around the outside walls. These need to get removed as they are ideal hidey holes.  It’s also a good idea to prune trees and shrubbery away from windows and doors and reduce garden refuse and clutter in general. In your home, sweeping and hoovering is important to keep areas free of webs, nests, and eggs. Sometimes nests and eggs are tiny and can go unseen, so regular hoovering can eradicate them without you even knowing. 
    • Switch off the lights
Avoid leaving outside lights on as the illumination will attract insects, which are the favorite food of spiders. Use your outdoor lights only when necessary.  A good option is to install motion sensor lighting outside your home so that the lights turn off automatically after a set time. 
    • Sort your household waste
Both inside and outside trash cans can attract insects if they don’t seal properly. Take your trash out regularly and keep your outside cans well sealed and away from your home. Again, leaving waste lying around attracts insects, which in turn will attract their predators such as spiders.
    • Make entry difficult
Spiders can get through small cracks and holes around windows, wiring, or doors. They only need a tiny opening to squeeze through and will take any opportunity they get. Check carefully around your windows and doors and seal any gaps, holes, and cracks. If your window screens or screen doors are old and damaged, consider replacing them. Spiders can be problematic and sometimes, they still find a way into your home and refuse to leave. If you need assistance with a spider problem, get in touch with Twin-Boro. Our experts will come out and assess your situation, and then help you get rid of these eight legged creatures for good.